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July 05, 2013


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So, I'm just commenting that this is NOT a short post!!! hehehe


Hey, you stole my comment ;-)

Wonderful story. I can relate to not knowing your own grandparents very well as my parents are both immigrants. However I was never fortunate enough to find a Mrs. Graham - you were so lucky and what great memories.

And Wiggle already looks more grown up!


Another great story (and great Wiggle pics)!

As an aside? Do you have a wrap carrier? That can be a great way to hold a young baby and free up your arms. Tadpole and I both enjoyed the moby wrap for several months.


oh i love this story so so much. everyone needs a mrs. graham...

love the blanket and oh wiggle is completely beautiful lying there asleep. i just want to kiss his little head!

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