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January 12, 2013


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Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you both, how wonderful. And you look gorgeous, absolutely beautiful!

Did I not say in 2012 there would be pregnancy?!?!


Wow, such huge changes happening in your life! Congratulations to you and R!!! And what a lucky baby to be born in Hawaii (I say that now since it is 14 (F) outside..the warmth of Hawaii is sounding pretty good!).

And go partner for learning to knit! That's fabulous!

Congrats again you two!!!


Awww congrats!!!! Can't wait to see little Wiggle.
Well done Papa for knitting the first baby knit.


Oh congratulations!! I woke up to see two bloggers I follow are pregnant :)

Also, that is an excellent man of yours for learning to knit.


oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!!!!!!
oh i have tears in my eyes, kathy i am so so excited for you and partner - what wonderful wonderful news!!!
eeee!!!! a sweet sweet baby!!
oh and that last photo - you look absolutely stunningly beautiful!

ps - partner's knitting is absolutely amazing! but joy of joys a baby!!!
a world of congratulations and love to you both!!!!!!

katie metzroth

Congrats! :-)


Congratulations! Oh, I'm so behind the times on this one. Congrats! Newborn knitting is such fun. And J recently joined Rocky in the ranks of dads who knit. Tadpole was proudly sporting her new leg warmers at the nature museum the other day. Congratulations again!

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