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July 11, 2010


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your garden is looking great! hooray for your first yummy tomato!

kitty looks so adorable hanging out with the plants.


Love all the garden photos! It's been a tough year for gardens on the west coast for sure. Your cabbage was probably the right kind, sometimes they just don't cooperate and form heads - again the weather this year likely hindered them.

Your cat is too cute.

And the burp cloth is priceless!!


woot to everything. it all looks awesome.


i love the burp cloth!! very cute. and your garden, failures and all, is really excellent. :)


Love your garden update...as Kate said, this year has not been the best for gardening on the west side. Some things that are fails this year will probably blow you away next even if you do everything the same. It sounds like you are having fun and enjoying the things that are definitely winners...which is the whole point! And let me know if you make a quiche with that chard...I bet it would be amazing!

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